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Meet The Authors

About Us

We created this website to shed light on an issue many young adults deal with on a daily in hopes to encourage women to love themselves for who they are.

This website was a team effort for our ENG--W 131 class at Indiana University with Dr. Diab.


Sireen Khan

"Don't let comparisons stop you from seeing your own beauty"

Tips that have helped me:

1. Appreciate your flaws and imperfections because they make us all unique and beautiful.

2. Life is too short to worry about how you look, so find hobbies and don't be afraid to try something new

3. Surround yourself with people who encourage body positivity.


Chloe Castetter

I want to share some of my own personal tips that I use when i deal with body image issues or pressures from social media.

1. watch TikToks from positive influencers that I look up to (Sienna Mae, for example)

2. take a break from social media and go outside, spend time with friends, exercise

3. focus on positivity by noticing things about myself that I love and acknowledging these traits


Will Loverdi

As a male this issue does not have the same effect on me than it does to a women. I hear, and understand the issue and how serious it is. I have seen first hand through my sister. I learned a lot through my interview with her and hope to help create an environment for women in order for them to feel confident in their own skin.


Annabelle Altmark

There is more to life than just comparing yourself and to others online. It is important to be body positive and be comfortable in your own skin. Do whatever you can to keep a positive mindset and be happy and healthy, mentally and physically.

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